Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Geek Style

Many people enjoy RP-ing as a stereotypical "nerd" on games such as ROBLOX High school and High school Life RP. I'm here to give you some tips on making this a simple and possible way to not only help you to slay the whole game, but to also help you to up your daily style skill. 

Tip #1: Its best to wear glasses of some sort. Below you can see an example ↓

And yes this does happen to be R$30, but there is an alternative way to getting FREE glasses that are just as stylish.

These happen to be my favorite type of glasses that I include in a good portion of my daily styles. I would definitely recommend these. However, you can ONLY get them from a package, which is free in some terms, but the only downfall is that you need to have ROBLOX installed on an Xbox One (either the old or new one). But if there is a way you could get these in your hands, I would. 

Tip #2: As for the hair, I would settle on pretty much anything. But as for my recommendations... These would be my top picks. ↓

Tip #3: If there are any neck items such as scarves or ties that you could get a hold of, that would be a really good add-on to your outfit.

Tip #4: Now, the most important part of your outfit is the shirt. You must make sure that it has lots of style to it. Here is an example of a good design. ↓

{Here you can see that there aren't very many details, but it still has a lot of "pizzazz" to it, that will leave a lot of people in awe. I personally really like how the designer cropped the sweater as well as add a uniform under it. I also like how they added cinnamon hair extensions to finish the outfit off.}

Tip #5: The last and final tip is the pants. The pants is also relevant to finishing off your outfit because:
1. Depending on what you wear, it will make a great effect on your outfit.
2. You kinda have to wear pants...

           Here is what I chose. ↓

{The reason I chose this outfit was because I thought it was so cute and would greatly match with the shirt that I chose earlier. The thing that really caught my eye when I first saw this design was the bow. I absolutely loved how the designer added a bow to the left leg. And in my opinion, the belt was also a great feature to the design overall.}

             Here is how the outfit looks overall. ↓

        **{For all the things that I didn't mention were optional}**

Rate this outfit from 1-5 stars in the comments, and any ideas for the next OOTW.

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